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IT IN Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu was one of the first states in the Indian Union to formulate a comprehensive IT policy. As early as 1997, the State Government released an Industry -specific Policy for the IT industry to achieve the goals spelt out in the Ninth five year plan and to focus attention on the IT industry as an engine of growth in the State. However, the pace of change in the IT industry necessitated a revision of this plan. In the year 2002, the Government of Tamil Nadu released a new IT policy geared towards leveraging IT to herald prosperity in the State and to turn Tamil Nadu in to a Knowledge-empowered State.
The advent of the Internet has transformed the world in to a Global village and has ushered in an era of IT-enabled services delivery worldwide. This revolution will also generate over four million jobs in the Knowledge sector (IT and ITES industries). Tamil Nadu is uniquely poised to leverage this great opportunity due to its educated workforce and excellent administration. The Government of Tamil Nadu released an ITES policy in 2005 to highlight the advantages of ITES investment in the state. Subsequent to this to keep the pace of change in IT industry, ICT policy 2018 was released by the government.
The Government of tamil Nadu has Enacted serveral proactive measures to enable IT and ITES companies to do business in the state with utmost ease and felicity