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Under the National e-Governance Action Plan (NeGP), Tamil Nadu State Data Centre (TNSDC) has been established as the core and critical infrastructure for the roll out and delivery of secured e- services of the State.
TNSDC enables the Government Departments and their agencies to host their applications, services and servers on a common, secured and controlled infrastructure aiming at ease of integration and efficient management. TNSDC aims to minimize overall cost of data management, IT management, deployment, power requirement and other costs. More than 399 Applications are hosted in TNSDC under co-location/co-hosting and cloud hosting model.
I. Tamil Nadu State Data Centre -1 (TNSDC-I)
TNSDC 1 is the first ISO certified State Data Centre in the country (First Certification obtained on 21.02.2012). TNSDC 1 is operational from 01.08.2011 with overall budget outlay of Rs.138 Cr. TNSDC 1 is commissioned with 64 Racks. As on date, 47 applications of Govt. departments are hosted at TNSDC - I.

Security Architecture for TNSDC
A high level security architecture framework has been implemented at TNSDC to ensure data protection of all the Government Applications / Services. TNSDC has been secured with Security information and Event Management (SIEM) tool. Onsite Vulnerability assessment & Penetration Testing (VA&PT) also has been provisioned in TNSDC. Security Architecture for TNSDC
II.Tamil Nadu State Data Centre-2 (TNSDC-II)
TNSDC II, the second phase of TNSDC, was established at a budget of Rs. 74.7 crore and commenced its Operations & Management on 07.09.2020 with 35 rack space initially. The Data Centre can accommodate 138 racks and its modular design supports seamless scale-up.
The Data Centre is further expanded with additional rack space. As on date, 112 Racks are commissioned and reached almost 100% utilization. More than 51 applications of Govt. departments are hosted at TNSDC II.